So I have FINALLY decided on a color and hope to paint this coming weekend. I can only do it when B is home, because I usually paint during Ro's naptime. The color is Italian Leather, and his theme is study. I know, he is only 17 months old.
So we have a bird problem on our deck, so I got the owl to scare them. Ivan seems to think he needs these THREE fountains. The one on the right would be a water park for his toys, hee hee! And don't mess with mama when she has a bubble gun!
We skipped the gym because Ro is feeling funky. I think it's teething, but he has a doctors appt this afternoon to check. But we went to Lowes to look at paint samples, the Henderson Farmer's Market (see Ivan's choice of lunch in pics), and Target. And poor Ro, he and I have been up since 5, so he is now napping. And Ivan is playing with his new water table.
I dressed Ro this morning, then when B came out from getting dressed he was wearing something similar, so in true smart alleck form, I dressed Ivan to match. HEE HEE HEE!!!
I never thought it would fly, then when he started drooling red drool I took it away, then he threw such a hissy fit he wouldn't breathe, so I gave it back to him handing me an empty stick about 8 minutes later. He loved it.
Ro seemed to want to check out the Walmart receipt. Well, we wouldn't have had to buy anything if HE didn't decide he now hates milk so I got him some protein shakes.
I am frustrated with the cowlicks, so we either go way short, or grow it out. So I have decided to grow it out. We shall see. I hate longish hair, but oh well.
We were at Great Clips today getting Ivan's hair cut, and Extraterrestrial by Katy Perry came on, and he was mesmerized by the song, and I had just downloaded it, so after his nap I tested it out. And sure enough! He loves it!!!
So now that the hallway upstairs is all painted, I feel like there needs to be a mature, almost museum quality to it. So I moved the windmill painting (with the flying cow and pig) upstairs from the old formal dining room, and just did this piece. I LOVE CONTACT PAPER!!! Hee hee. It is Modern/Googie (Googie is a mid-century term with such landmarks as the Space Needle and the Welcome to Vegas sign modeled after such a style).