Thursday, December 31, 2009

Introducing THE REAL Ronin Briley Roscoe

Funny story - I had my doctors appointment Tuesday at 4:15. In case you don't live in Portland, there was a FREAK snow storm that accumalated quickly and turned the city into crap. So I go to the doctor, and I'm dialated to a 4. Whatever, I was a 3 the week before. It's not a 6, I'm not contracting too much, and he hasn't dropped. Well, my doctor isn't comfortable with the 4 or the snow, then she decides to do a quick ultrasound. The bump I was thinking was Ronin's butt was actually his head. Oh ... so breach ... fine. Well, with breach babies you don't really want the water to break because butts and feet don't make good plugs like heads. There's a chance of feet or umbillical cords coming out, which is bad. And which my doctor didn't like with 4 cm's, snow storms, and the quick delivery of Ivan. So she tells me to call B and both of us meet her at the hospital. We'll try to get the baby to flip. It took me an hour and a half to get 60 blocks down Glisan. It took B almost 2 hours to get to the hospital from home. And thankfully Ivan was able to stay with Launa at daycare. So then Dr. Levin's is unable to try to flip the baby because she had to take one of her sons to the ER at the same hospital we were meeting at. So another doctor from her office attempted the flip. It's interesting. They give you a shot of stuff that loosens the uterus, yet also makes you jittery. I was already shaking from the nervousness and excitement, AND!!! Somehow ... some time ... I had started having some good contractions about every 5 minutes. Guess what DOESN'T help when trying to flip a baby. YUP! Contractions. But the doctor tried 3 times, and Ronin wouldn't even budge. NOTHING!!! And there was room. So it was decided to do a C-section. I've had my one drug free birth, I know what it's like, so why not. Yes, the stories have freaked me out. The thought of having to heel from a C-section is scary. But what else can I do? I've got to tell you, it's not a bad thing at all. They gave me a spinal, which only really burned. Then I went numb from boobs to toes, it was nice. I could have taken a nap. They layed me down, put up the curtain, and the next thing I know, a whole whopping 4 minutes later, Ronin was out. (Not the 15 minutes they tell you in birthing class.) And I felt only the tug when his head came out. Then as I watched the nurses with Ronin, my doctor quickly sewed me up. It was only about 20 minutes. It was great. It was bad being stuck on my back for 6 hours before being able to stand. Then stuck another 6 hours until I could get up to go potty. But besides a little tug and soreness from the wound, it doesn't burn when I potty, and I'm not bleeding as bad. I actually feel better than after I had Ivan, and I got off the Oxy yesterday at noon, and I got to come home today!!! YAY!!! Because of the H1N1, I couldn't see Ivan for 2 1/2 days, which bummed me out. But thanks go out to Launa, Oly, Sherri, Jenny and John for all your help with Ivan. We really appreciate it.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa & Ivan

We went to Latus today to attempt pictures with Santa. They weren't available last year because of the pathetic Santa they had 2 years ago. So when we pulled up to Latus, there's Santa walking through the parking lot. Ivan was so excited. As Santa walks into and through the store some, Ivan goes running after him yelling "Santa! Santa!" So Santa turns around and swoops up Ivan into his arms. It was amazing. I think most 3 year olds wouldn't be as open to a stranger with a long white beard and a super snazzy red outfit. So Santa carried Ivan to his motorcycle where we were able to take pictures. It was perfect timing, and so much fun.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ronin's Nursery

Auntie Oly and Auntie Sherri painted Ronin's nursery lsat night, and unfortunately I am way too tired to get stuff completely done today. And I got to see New Moon, so I had better things to do than decorate (that Jacob sure is a cutie!!!) But the Auntie's were nice about letting Ivan and Miss Emma help.

Brian Makes Me a Birthday Cake

And he was upset there's not enough frosting in a container ... it was funny!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Action Shots

Tonight Ivan had me take some "action photos" of him as different Star Wars characters: Darth Vader, Darth Maul, Asuka, Storm Trooper, Yoda. I haveno idea how he deciphered these, but he did. And then he wanted pics with Mommy and Dada.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Tonight was quite the night, a whole bunch of daycare kids met at Launa and Kristy's house and went trick or treating. Ivan liked all the skeleton stuff, and he wouldn't trust me holding his bag of candy. But he's just so relaxed and non rushed. He walked at the end of the group, was the last one at the door, and usually just stood around till the end of the bag fills. And he thought it was cool when he saw older kids dressed as "rowrs." But now he should be passed out, hopefully. I haven't heard anything coming from the bedroom. Though the last 2 nights he's decided to sleep on the sofa, just like his mommy did when she was younger.

Spoiled Rotten

Thanks to my pregnant mind, I forgot B sends me roses while he's hunting, so I was surprised when they arrived today. The delivery guy said they were the prettiest ones he delivered all day today.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ivan's Birthday

My birthday was super wonderful, and boy, was I tired and cranky by the end of it all. But I had so much fun at my party and with all my new toys, and mommy REALLY appreciates all the clothes. And look how cool my cake is!!! CHECK OUT THE CANDLE!!!